Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Drive fail

Instead of taking the T I tried to drive into work today because I wanted to drop some clothes off at one of those drop-off boxes and then maybe get some groceries after work. I indicate that I "tried" to take my car to work because I failed. After the clothes drop off, the car started behaving strangely and then the check engine and oil lights went on. So, as I was still in Somerville I just pulled over and walked to the Porter T stop.* I suppose I will call AAA later today and get the Barbie Jeep towed. Maybe I'll check the oil first, but I generally keep up with that stuff and unless something is the easiest of fixes I'll have to get a professional anyway.
Very few things are heap and easy...

Have a good day, peeps. And hug your car.

*Urban living for the win! I could pull my car over right where I was, park because of my Somerville permit, and walk 5 minutes to the nearest train. YAY, cities!

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