Friday, March 25, 2011

Ready, set, VACATION

I am so ready for vacation.

Here's* what I'll be wearing most of the time.

I would include flip flops but I like for the sand to squish between my toesies.
The last few days I've gotten up and showered and listened to my little AM radio in the bathroom while I slather moisturizer on my scaly translucent skin**. And they tell me it's 27 degrees outside with a chance of mid-day flurries. And I laugh.

Because: Aruba.

I'm hoping to have some adventures. I'm hoping to sleep and relax and have fun. I want to see and do and taste new things. If something happens to me while I'm there, please avenge my death***.

*Ok, I'm blaming perspective for why the bottoms look so big and the top so small. I swear I have better proportions than this, and that I don't have the biggest ass in the whole history of asses. They're both mediums, FYI. Gah, bikinis! Why must you be so cruel?!?
**Ok, it's not that bad. My skin is translucent, but pretty smooth.
***NOTHING will happen to me. I anticipate safe adventures, only****.


die Frau said...

I will totally avenge your death, not that you will need that sort of thing. Your bikini looks darling and I know you will also look so in it.

p.s. Deep green with jealousy right now as the weather folks talk about how we're about 20 degrees below normal for this time of year. :-)

gilana said...

Have a fabulous time, and don't die!

Sarah Berry said...

I didn't think the bottoms looked big, but the post did remind me of a similar situation... when I was pregnant and all things located in the middle were spreading outward, I needed to buy some bigger underwear. So I obviously didn't buy thongs and I didn't even buy bikinis, I bought some (albeit cute and lacy) full coverage jobs and when I opened the box from the mailman it looked exactly as though I could PARACHUTE OFF A TALL BUILDING with what I had ordered. Yikes. They totally fit though - double yikes?

kirida said...

Have a wonderful time on your vacation. You totally deserve it!