Thursday, February 10, 2011

This is not a post

If I were to post today, which I won't, I would tell you that at 4:30 this morning, when a certain cat started to make staccato high pitched noises, I felt like crying. I felt like waking up the Man and suggesting we go to his place and never come back.

If I were to post, I would tell you that I had to talk myself down from flinging my water glass across the room and screaming because I felt broken and bruised and tired and frustrated and crowded and trapped.

If I were to post today, I would tell you that instead of crying and screaming and throwing or leaving, I got up and chased the cats around with the spray bottle, several times, and tried to sleep in between. They've got crazy ridiculous cabin fever, and it's killing me.

If I were to post, these are the things I would tell you. But I can't post. I'm too tired.

1 comment:

The Perfect Space said...

I think they need a field trip.