Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Totally new information

Being a vegan for almost two days is A LOT easier than being a raw-food-um...-person for 6 days.

I can eat SO! MUCH! MORE!
-Other cooked grains!

But. There are some things. Some things that it makes me cry to think about not eating any more:
-Milk (mooo...)
-Eggs! (I know I listed them twice but they're so versatile.)

Aaaaand here's the thing... If I keep doing this vegan thing for at least this week (which I will, it's not so bad) and then I slowly add back milk and eggs, I'm sure the next week I will come crying to you about why I NEED bacon and sushi, and it's-summer-oh-my-gourd-I-want-hot-dogs!

I am predictable and sad.

So what do I do? I need to create my own diet plan, yes? One with rules (because I, like children and dogs, crave discipline) and timelines and plans. This plan needs to be beautifully OCD, but also something that I can stick to. Luckily, I have a talent for tolerating repetition and routine, so that works.

I'll come up with some sort of brilliant plan over the next day or so and let you know what it is. I'm sure it will be brilliant. And it will include eggs (maybe f'eggs*)

At the very least I'm hoping to accomplish a sort of purge of all of the overly-processed/sugary/too salty foods that at times I just grabbed without any thought. I think that I can make better conscious decisions than I have been. Perhaps...

*F'eggs = Fake eggs, which are fine for omelets, but sometimes I just want a fried egg, damnit!

1 comment:

die Frau said...

I drink almond milk now. Is that vegan? I think it is. And it's tasty and not soy, too much of which is bad for ladies. Get the vanilla kind. It's worth the money.