Monday, April 5, 2010


Two snippets of conversation I had with my brother when he called me on Saturday:

I answer the phone
Leslie: Yo.
J: What what? Did you listen to that song I sent you? What did you think?
Leslie: So that’s it? You don’t even ask how I am?
J: I said “what what”…


Leslie: Just give me a second. I’m making cookies and they’re about ready to come out of the oven.
J: Cookies?!
Leslie: Yeah. They’re for Easter to bring to M’s family’s house.
J: fake crying You never make me cookies!
Leslie: I made you brownies last week!
J: But not cookies!!!

Oh, family!

Tonight I’m going for sushi and Clash of the Titans with the hottest guy I know. Oh. Yeah.

1 comment:

die Frau said...

Let me know how the movie is.

Nice to know that some things don't change. Please say hello to brother J for me!