Friday, April 16, 2010

Update and weekend plans

Last night, J and I went to see our friend in the hospital. She’d been in a terrible car accident, and I hadn’t seen her since Saturday. On the way we picked up some pizza, because DUDE, I hear hospital food is the worst. I was pleased that when we got there (after much sitting in traffic) that two of our other friends were already there keeping her company. We stayed for almost two hours, during which time another friend stopped in. We have good friends.

I was so heartened to see how much better she was doing after only a few days. She can’t get around, but within her bed she can move, and she’s on her computer and is so much more alert. She just looks and sounds so much better. As we left her parents were on their way in, and our other friend A was also on her way. At least she’s got no lack of visitors and support. AND! Today she is being moved out of the Burlington hospital and into a rehab center in Cambridge which is VERY close to where I work. This will be much more convenient. Good happenings.

One thing that almost gave me a heart attack last night was the sad realization that my friend A’s Colorado wedding would directly conflict with the summer’s play that I want to be in. Now, not for one moment did I consider not going to the wedding, but I did almost cry in the car because I really need the summer show. It’s so fun and keeps me occupied and not all inwardly-focused and generally keeps me sane. In a wonderful twist, even though I don’t remember the show ever NOT finishing the first weekend in August, it actually finishes the last weekend in July. I. Am. Lucky.

Tonight after work I’m getting a haircut – this means that that blow dry it to within an inch of its life and I look a little bit glamorous. I specifically put off this haircut until tonight (to my dismay this week because YUK out-of-control hair) because my Man and I are headed into Boston for the Wine Riot. It’s a ticketed event wine tasting with 250 wines and some gourmet foods and I’m really looking forward to it. I had hoped that the weather would be nicer, but we’ll be inside so who really cares I guess. And tonight is their “bubbly” night and OH HOW I LOVE THE BUBBLES. So: YAY.

Tomorrow night after I deal with my hangover during the day pretty much everyone I know here will be at the Martin Sexton/Ryan Montbleau House of Blues show and that will rock very hard. Sunday I think the Man and I are going hiking at Tuckerman’s ravine in NH. We’ll hike around and then he’ll ski some crazy expert-death-defying trails while I wait at the bottom and watch with all of the other uncrazy/cautious people who don’t want to die. It should be fun to watch though. And he’s not tough to pick out because he has an orange helmet…

Ahh. Good weekend to you, peeps.


die Frau said...

Sounds fun! (the weekend, I mean) I hope your friend recovers quickly and I'm sorry she was hurt.

On a lighter note, I remember seeing Martin Sexton in college and liking him a lot. Enjoy the show.

Wonderland said...

I didn't quite follow, does this mean you CAN be in the summer show, since it ends in July?