Monday, April 19, 2010

More vignettes

On Friday night I went to the WINE RIOT with my Man. It was fun; we tasted many, many wines. One of them was allegedly "the dryest wine on earth". Let me tell you: it was too dry. We also had several local/organic wines that were delicious. Apart from the wine, my favorite part was the temporary tattoos we got. This is mine:
On Saturday, when I hung out with my Man in the afternoon, I saw how good his looked and how mine was barely there anymore:
Leslie: Wow. I can't believe how good your tattoo looks compared to mine.
M: I think that says something about our respective cleaning processes...

On Saturday night I went to the House of Blues to see Martin Sexton and the Montbleau Band. WOW, you guys. I admit that I enjoyed the Montbleau Band even more than Martin Sexton, but that's because I know them, and I know what a big deal it was for them to play that show. They're at the beginning of a tour with MS, and it's such a great step for them. It's terrific to see great musicians getting the exposure they deserve. I'm really excited to see what's in store for them in the next year or two.
The other fun thing about Saturday was that I went with J to IKEA! We always have a super time there and Saturday was no exception. I bought a desk chair, which one of the cats has already claimed as his own. We also ate $.50 hot dogs. On the way to the show I also got a hot dog (street meat) but this one was $5. They were both very tasty.

Oddly, I have no memories of Sunday.

Today is Patriot's Day, which is just a Massachusetts holiday. I've never had it off before but I do today. I took the cats to the vet (after a three-year gap of not taking them) and got them all of their (expensive)shots. They are, not surprisingly, obese so I also bought some low-fat, high-priced food and I have to cut down the amount that I feed them. You may think that I've been over-feeding them all this time, but I have been giving them less than half of what is recommended on the bag for their daily allotment, so I thought that I was doing ok. Not so. They need to lose some weight.
I'll ty to join them in eating better, and less - not because I need to lose weight, but because I realize as I get older that I just can't eat/drink all of the crap that I used to. I'm always tired, I'm frequently dehydrated, and I just know that I can feel better. So, I'm trying to just BUY smarter, and cut down on the snacks, as I'm pretty sure they're what's getting me.
I had these veggies over a little ravioli for lunch. Cereal for dinner. Maybe tomorrow I'll be slightly less sleepy...
EDITED TO ADD: I remember what I did on Sunday! I hung out with the Man, cleaned, ran some errands, did some laundry. We ate dinner at my place and then watched Grizzly Man (more on this ridiculous movie later) and played Trivial Pursuit - which I won. The answer to the winning question was: Purdue.


Wonderland said...

I recently made a deal with myself that I am going to put more healthy things in my body from now on. Not a starvation thing, just a "I noticed my skin has pimples" type of thing, like you mentioned. One major break through has been replacing the after-dinner chocolate with oranges. Very super sweet, to fix the craving, but much better for me than ice cream :)

Wonderland said...

Oh, of course though, J and I went to a French restaurant for our aniversary dinner on Tuesday. And you know there is no getting out of a French dinner without eating 2 pounds of butter and at least a quart of cream. Alas... (So good though, would never take it back!)