Monday, March 1, 2010

A deal

Holy hell: this weekend. The show was sold out all three nights (YAY, Dracula!) and the cast party was mostly really good - I stayed out until 4am. I then had too much to do on Sunday to rest and I felt INCREDIBLY awful since I got up at 9am and guess what?? I STILL feel like dying so even though yesterday I assumed I was hungover (from only three drinks and a late night the night before) I think I am actually sick. In my digestion area. It's kind of making me want to cry and nap and nap and cry.
Last night all I wanted to do was cuddle my Man, but he was up at his parents' house trying to get their generator to start again. They're one of hundreds of thousands of families without power in NH (currently, that number has dwindled to tens of thousands). Since his dad had just undergone heart surgery, his parents went to his brother's house to be able to take advantage of their heat/hot water/electricity. So my Man was roughing it last night.

Anyway, I sent my taxes away but I haven't gotten them back yet (I have a tax guy). I anticipate that the results will not be awesome since I was on unemployment for months early in 2009 and never paid taxes on the checks from the government. Because of this, and in an effort to de-clutter, I've made this deal with myself, which I am posting here so that I may be responsible to someone (help me out here, internet):

As of March 1st, 2010

I will not buy any clothing for myself for 3 months.
I will not buy any books/jewelry/dvds/cds for 3 months.
I will not buy lunch at work more than twice per week.

I will sell my DVDs online to get rid of clutter (I have too many dvds - 300, maybe?).
I will trade unwanted clothes for credit at a consignment store.
I will read a book a month (this puts me one book behind for the year already).

I don't really buy a ton of stuff, and I'm typically pretty good with my money. But it's just too easy to buy lots of little things (Target? Hello?) without realizing how they(both cost and clutter) add up. And admittedly, I end up buying some stuff that either only lasts one season (no more Old Navy sweaters for me, ever) or doesn't go with enough things for me to get a lot of wear out of it... And books and DVDs? Well I certainly don't need to buy any movies with the magic of Netflix and hulu, and I have about 10 books that are waiting to be read. So... I'll let you know how it goes. I have more than enough stuff for one girl, and I'm hoping to just make the most of what I have.
I'll revisit this in June to see if I feel like this did any good. It certainly can't hurt my wallet. Or closet space...

Edited to add: I’m still feeling crappy. Bluh. I’ve added headaches and heartburn to my crippling stomach cramps. And because I’m tense from feeling icky and hating being at work, my neck hurts. Like, I’m considering using my “personal massage device” as a personal massage device.
I emailed my Man to let him know that I’m kind of a downer right now and if he wanted to go to yoga tonight and come over late he could because I’d likely be eating a slice of dry toast and wailing on the couch. He replied that he would skip yoga and supply me with some real food. Oh how I love that man of mine.


Ouiser said...

It's amazing how many of those little things we don't end up with just by virtue of not having a Target. It's glorious. Also, I feel you on the Old Navy sweaters. I just added the last one that was in my possession to the donate pile. It feels good to have clothes in the closet that I know will last and that I will still want to wear as long as they last.

Leslie said...

Target is ridiculous. You go in for two things and you leave with a whole cart, and before you know it, your house is overrun with $12 shirts that shrink in the sleeves immediately, $5 Method handsoaps, and one million matching plastic containers that you really only bought because they all had green polka dots on them. I MUST END THIS.
Yeah, Old Navy - not so much with the quality...