The back spoon is Conan (the Destroyer), and the inside spoon is Kail (the Conqueror). Conan is almost 6 and Kail is almost 4. They're brothers, though they share no common parents. I took them in so that they could have a good life, and I could have warm feet.
These guys have a lot in common. Like sleep. They both like to sleep for about 20 hours during the day.
By far, Conan is the more social of the two. Here he is talking to Fidel Castro on the phone. It really surprised me when he started speaking Spanish. How do you learn Spanish when you're only awake for 4 hours a day? And you don't leave the house? I suspect that Rosetta Stone program. (the phone is mine, and I had to pay A LOT for that call. The hand holding the phone belongs to Dr. Monkey. Dr. M is allergic to my cats, and so is VERY brave for getting so close.)
When they are awake, they like to role-play. Here they are playing Cops-and-Robbers. Conan is pretending to read Kail his rights after apprehending him. Kail, ever the compliant prisoner, is just going along with it.
Um, did I hear you get the catnip bag off of the fridge? Did I? Did I??
Pondering the state of healthcare, education, and the environment. That's what makes him so tired...
These guys are the cutest, funniest, lovingest kitties in the world. They are also the loudest, heaviest, whiniest shitties in the world. They have given me a lot (of hair), and taken a lot (of sleep). I’d just like to share them with the internet. It’s ok, they don’t really bite or scratch. But, you may have to scratch their butts…
These guys are the cutest, funniest, lovingest kitties in the world. They are also the loudest, heaviest, whiniest shitties in the world. They have given me a lot (of hair), and taken a lot (of sleep). I’d just like to share them with the internet. It’s ok, they don’t really bite or scratch. But, you may have to scratch their butts…
Man, I love those shitties. And I'm not even a cat person. They just rock. That is the best biography of them I've ever read. I freaking laughed so hard!
Great post! So cute!
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