So, I just got laid off. Just now. Walked to my desk, escorted to my car; the whole deal...
Ego bust.
I actually LOVED that job and the people there. It's tough to find that kind of magic.
I'll be fine. Of that I have no doubt. Grrrrrrr. This will take some getting used to. Well, not getting used to, but some figuring out, anyway.
Oh crap. Honey, I am so, so sorry. I'm glad that you'll "be fine," but I know you really were happy in that position and you'll probably grieve that loss. I'll be thinking of you.
There were good and bad things about that place. And yes, you WILL be fine. This my be an opportunity--in more ways than one.
Oh my god, I'm in such shock. I'm SO sorry - this is just horrible. Like the girls, and you, said , you will be fine, but the grief and shock of it all is still terrible. Give yourself plenty of room to vent and be upset. We love you!
this just sucks. that's all there is to it. we love you.
I agree with all the ladies' sentiments. I also know that a qualified person like you will have no problem finding something new. Maybe this will give you a chance to look at something totally different?
In the meantime, if you want me to come down and, you know, "fix some people", I'll do it.
Oh sweetie! My internet has been down all week from the move and I just got this now. Honey, I am so sorry. So so sorry. You are strong and brave. Grieve until you're done and then yes, you'll be fine. And I have a spare room if you need it ;)
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