Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Something I actually finished! And a backlog of Days of Truth...

A few weeks ago I bought this from someone on Craigslist.
And I (finally) turned it into this:
It's a nightstand that is on my Man's side of the bed. I changed it from a natural finish to black with a lime-green interior. I also took off the lame wooden knob* and swapped it for a pretty Anthropologie knob.
I'm happy with the way it turned out. I have many other projects I'm working on, so it was rewarding to actually complete one. Finally.

*KNOB! Knob knob knob!

30 Days of Truth, days 16 through 18:

DoT #16 Something or someone you definitely could live without
There are so many things, because I'm actually kind of a grump. I'm just going to go ahead and put them in list form:
-mircrofiber furniture
-pointy pointy shoes
-any of the Kardashians
-reality tv (excluding cooking shows drool)
-blue peanut M&Ms
-additional Daniel-Craig-as-James-Bond movies
There's more, but you get the idea...

DoT #17 A book that you've read that changed your views on something
Well, reading various historical novels changed my mind about history being incredibly boring. If history classes had been presented in the form of a story rather than a crazy list of a million dates and places perhaps I would have done better in those classes and not had to shamefully drop out of European History 102 in college :(
Devil in the White City by Erik Larson is a great example of a historical novel I loved.

DoT #18 Your views on gay marriage
Viva la gay marriage! I cannot think of one argument against gay marriage that doesn't ALSO apply to straight marriages. There is nothing wrong with people who love each other wanting to make a commitment to one another. And, practically, why should we deny the tax and/or other economic benefits to gays that we extend to straights just because of gender? Grarrrr.

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