Thursday, July 29, 2010


It's funny how completely different it is living on the first floor versus the third floor. And how if the room you're in has a door to the outside it's a very different feeling than if you're in a room buffered by other rooms. And, if you just moved to the first floor and it's windy and you're reading a Stephen King book before bed and you hear noises outside and you think they're horrible beasts and you just wish your cats were inside to keep you company or maybe your Man so that he'd fight whatever busts through the door long enough for you to escape out the other exit and...


Sorry, the point kind of got away from me there...

I was reading a Stephen King book before going to sleep last night, and I was alone, and being on the third floor always seemed so insulated from anything that was or could be happening outside that I need to just get used to being close to the ground again - sleeping closer to the ground. And though they all seem respectful, the people in my building are more active than in the other apartments I've lived in. When I'm at the home of a loved one/family member and I hear the normal noises of them moving around I'm comforted, but when it's strangers... You know: people are strange when you're a stranger...

So, I was not scared, but I was hyper aware and I did wish there was someone to snuggle with. That's all.

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