Monday, June 28, 2010

80/20 and the best yard sale find ever

I am moving from one very small apartment to another very small apartment. I do not need extra stuff. I've been trying to get rid of things, in fact.

This is the best chair in the universe and it was $30 and it belonged to the nicest and cutest old couple ever who must have kept it under a tarp because it is in such good shape.
My cats better stay away from it...

I bought this chair while in Amesbury (where my friend M and her husband R just bought a house) on Saturday. We had a nice little day exploring her surroundings and going from yard sale to yard sale. Nice weather, lunch and cocktails by the water... oh, life is so hard...

So, moving: I'm taking off Thursday and Friday of this week to deal with the move. Everything actually has to be finished on Thursday and Friday will be spent setting things up as well as I can before a big trip to IKEA happens.

When I was in my junior and senior years at Colgate, I had a method for writing long papers and that method was very different from the one I used my first two years. The first two years in college I would begin writing a paper the day before it was due. This sucked. Those papers were terrible. I eventually learned that if I started even a few weeks in advance, I could writ a little at a time and not feel terribly pressured. THAT is how I try to approach lots of projects, like moving. The difference between starting to write papers that early and starting to pack that early is that the packing process creates a ton of disarray - especially when your living space is so teeny. I loathe disarray. It makes me anxious. And all of the boxes I have (I should take a picture of it so you know what I'm dealing with) are creating a wonderland jungle gym for my cats to hide and make noise in.
I'll be very relieved when the moving has been completed.

EDITED TO ADD: I didn't mention anything about 80/20 despite using that as a title for this post (duh), but that's the rule I use to guide most projects, get 80% done in advance so as not to put too much pressure on myself, and finish the last 20% at the last minute. Typically, this method works well and isn't difficult to execute. With moving the last 20% kills me because it's all sorts of oddly-shaped or really heavy or breakable stuff. I hope my moving team is ready...


die Frau said...

Good luck with the move!

I love yeeeeeeeeew!

Great chair find!

I love exclamation points today!!!!!!

Wonderland said...

Diggin that chair. Seriously.