Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend update, now with more Ham and Denim leggings!

Friday morning, I got some good news. I knew that the casting notices for the auditions I’d attended would be going out on Friday, but I was almost completely convinced that I would NOT be cast because I hadn’t been invited to call-backs. I was a sad clown…

BUT! I got something! I have been cast as Hamlet in The Fifteen Minute Hamlet. I am extremely pleased. The first read-through is tonight, and I can’t wait.

Friday night I met up with A to have a celebratory drink at Orleans in Davis Square. I had three delicious drinks and a few bites of A’s seared-but-still-raw-and-delicious tuna as we sat outside and put out happy thoughts into the universe.

Saturday was a pretty busy day. I got up a bit before 8am to meet A and head to yoga, which was nice. I don’t usually enjoy working out in the mornings AT ALL, but on a Saturday, when I wasn’t hurried it was lovely. After yoga I met my Man at his place for some coffee and snuggling – both being good ways to treat his mild hangover…

I then went back to my place to scarf down some eggs and toast before heading to Essex to help J paint her new house.

Not much actual painting was done by me, as they had a real live contractor (friend) calling the shots, but it no doubt guaranteed a beautiful outcome. I’m excited to see how it turned out this weekend when I help with the moving. After lots of sanding, painting a closet, and having two beers, I left Essex to go home and shower before going out on my date with a different J, with whom I share a love of the thee-ahh-tah (that’s theatre). I showered and made myself pretty, stopped by my Man’s to get some smooches and a slice of pizza, then took the T into Harvard and hoofed it to the Oberon to meet J. We hugged, found a table, and were brought into the crazy world of mildly-interactive independent theatre. The show was called Particularly in the Heartland and it took place in a post-rapture Kansas. It featured a woman who had fallen from an airplane (aptly named Dorothy), an alien, and RFK’s ghost. I gotta say: it was pretty good. I didn’t “get it” completely, but I still had a good experience. Plus! After the show we went to JP Licks for ice cream, and any night that ends with a cone full of coffee chip ice cream is good. J and I walked to the T, hugged our goodbyes and I strolled in the lovely Saturday night warmth to the Man’s house for sleep.

On Sunday, 9am came earlier than usual and we got up to grab some breakfast. The Man had a date to go surfing and I had cats to brush and laundry to wash and groceries to buy so we exited the restaurant to go about our day. I did a lot of boring stuff, which was later rewarded with yoga again (there’s a two-weeks-unlimited-yoga for $25 deal going on at a new place, so I’m taking advantage) with A. My arms seriously feel like they’re going to fall right off because of all of the let’s-balance-all-of-our-weight-on-our-arms-for-27-breaths poses. I did manage a neat-o dolphin handstand against the wall; so that was cool. Later Sunday night I made some salmon curry for the Man and me and we watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang because I really like Robert Downey Jr.

And here we are. Monday morning. AGAIN. I feel like Monday morning takes itself a little too seriously, so I’m trying NOT to do the same. I’ve got yoga right after work (OH! My arms! My arms!) and then rehearsal at seven. My Man is out of town for work so I’ll try to get to bed early and snuggle with the kitties in front of a movie. SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOD.

COMPLETELY UNRELATED: I have a gmail account that I don't really use. I get lots of spam messages and stuff from Monster, Old Navy, New England Concert Tickets, etc. This morning I got a message from Piperlime with the subject heading:

Denim Leggings for Summer!

Now, to me that looked like a warning, so I opened up the message (safety first) only to find that it was an entreaty. For me to PURCHASE denim leggings and DISPLAY them on my body.

NO. Thank you, but NO.

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