Monday, March 8, 2010

Aaaaaand back to Monday.

And another weekend is over. Sad, really; I liked this weekend, too. I’ve basically gotten over my stomach flu (I hope).The weather was BEAUTIFUL. I wish this weekend could have been stretched to 3 days. Isn’t today some obscure but still really important holiday? Like, maybe Remember-to-Eat-Spinach-Day? It’s full of vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals, people! NEVER FORGET! Let’s all stay home and play outside to use up the energy that spinach provides!

Or something… Maybe not.

Saturday I didn’t do much except tool around outside and be lazy. Saturday night I had dinner with A and then we went to The Paradise Rock Club to see some excellent music along with 50 or so of our closest friends. It rocked our faces right off.
I was in desperate need of some chick time and some dancing, though by the end of the night I was feeling pretty weak because of the week of sickness(suckness) and was very happy to get a ride home (generously provided by M&R).

A and I had taken the T into the show in case there would be drinking (there would). While riding to Park Street to switch to the Green Line (I hate the Green Line) we sat across from a transgender individual who was more than a little disheveled. She carried with her a grocery bag full of popcorn, which she devoured with much gusto. This is fine; I’m not opposed to eating on the T, in principle. The bad part came when she dropped pieces of popcorn on the floor or seat next to her. She eagerly scooped up these strays and popped them right in her mouth.

From the floor of PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. To her MOUTH.

Say it with me: EEEEEEEWWWW.
The Five Second Rule should only apply to places you know to be clean. Certainly not places that see thousands of different dirty shoes per day. Seriously – so gross. My stomach is gurgling now in the hideous memory of that moment.

On Sunday I had the good fortune of sleeping until 9:30, which is a rarity, but wonderful. This is after getting up twice for the cats, but still: pretty good. I had a long list of to-dos on Sunday and with the exception of making cupcakes (the cream I’d purchased for the cupcakes last week before my stomach flu had spoiled), all of the tasks were complete. I also did a little knitting and relaxing, made some delicious spicy lentil stew for dinner and then had a little time with my man when he finally got back from skiing. Not an exciting day, but a good day.

EDITED TO ADD: I forgot to mention that on Saturday at The Paradise, someone approached me to ask if I'd performed in Dracula (which, as you know, I did). He said I did a great job and he really enjoyed the show - score!

What made me think of this just now is because I had the following conversation with the cool curly-haired blond chick I work with, R:

R: Were you in a calendar?
Leslie: No idea what you're talking about.
R: I was online this weekend and I wanted to go somewhere new to eat with K (her husband) and I was on the Boston Thrillist. I'm not sure what I clicked, but all of a sudden I was looking at at a calendar and I told K to come look because I thought it was you...
L: ...I was young and I needed the money?*
R: It's a 2010 calendar.
L: Um. Yeah...
R: Good picture...

*I didn't get paid for the calendar. I only take my clothes off** for free.

**Chill out. I was wearing lingerie but it showed less of me than my swimsuit does... Prudes.


The Perfect Space said...

Thank you for not telling me about this directly after it happened. I do not consider myself a germophobe, but you know how I feel about germs as they relate to public transportation. I make a point to wash my "T hands" before eating. The thought of eating ANYTHING that has directly touched part of a green line car is ridiculous to me.

Leslie said...

It was awful. Truly truly awful. You know how much I love food. And being clean...

die Frau said...

I really did "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" right along with you.

Wonderland said...

I don't even like to touch the handrails if I can help it! GROSSSSE! Totally hot calender pic, BTW.