Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend vampire update and advice*

This weekend went fast. Like: really REALLY fast.

Friday night there was a show, and I was lucky enough to have 4 wonderful ladies (and one of their moms!) in attendance. The show went well and I was so tired afterward that I skipped hanging in a bar to go to cuddle with my Man and watch Dexter. We had a wonderful breakfast on Saturday (made by me) and a pretty lazy day in general. We watched more Dexter (because once you pop, you can't stop) and walked in to Davis Square for sushi. We'd bundled up assuming it would be cold, because DUDE, it's winter. But the weather was fantastic. At least in the high 40s. So, after a sushi lunch I suggested we stop for ice cream. I had a kiddie cone with chocolate-chip-cheesecake ice cream, and the Man had a small cone with cappuccino-crunch. Yum! We went back to my place to digest, then he left to do some house cleaning and I hung out with the kitties and took care of the dishes before it was time for Saturday's show.

Saturday night we sold out! This may be misleading, as it could imply that there were HUNDREDS of people there, but it's a really small space, so we probably had closer to 70. Still, though: not bad. One of my co-workers came, and he claimed to have really liked it, so that was good. The whole cast was eager to get out of there after the show because Saturday night was our "kilts & corsets" party. It's not mandatory to wear a kilt or corset to the party, but lots of people do. I wore a pretty backless black dress, because I'm a classy broad. Sadly, I'm also a broad who is anxious in large groups, so I did very little socializing. I just don't think I have a lot to offer** in the conversations of large groups, or I get overwhelmed, or easily distracted. So, usually I just plant myself in one place and let people filter by me, stopping if they feel like it. Some did. Also, it was the director's wife's (29th) birthday. She blew out her candles and said thanks to everyone for helping her celebrate and announced she was pregnant. *Le sigh* They are really nice people, and I don't begrudge them a cute squishy baby - actually, I love the idea because they are so cool. It's just - you know (because I am a broken record of clock-tickingness). Well, whatever. At least I can drink.

Tonight I'm going to have dinner with my Man at Chez Henri, where neither of us has ever been. Adventure!

*Oh yeah, the advice part. Please learn from the mistakes of others***. If you're making home fries with hot peppers for breakfast, and afterward, you plan to have a bit of a mid-morning romp, wash your hands at least 10 times**** before applying any sort of sex jelly to your special parts. You may be sorry otherwise.

**OMFG no one needs to point out that I have a lot to offer. KTHX.

***This might be me.

****Washing your hands three times is, sadly, not enough. Hot tamale, indeed...

1 comment:

Wonderland said...

That hot tamale must have sucked so much!!!