Wednesday, February 10, 2010


We're supposed to get 9-ish inches of snow today.
I came into the office at ten minutes to eight to find a message from our CEO saying we're closed and that if we are here, we should be gone by 11:00am. He's a good guy.
Now I just need to figure out where to park to avoid a $100 snow-emergency ticket...

Last night I went to Trader Joe's to pick up some staples (bacon/eggs/cheese/more bacon). I also went to PetSmart to get some kitty litter. As I was carrying it from my car to my apartment OF COURSE the Trader Joe's bag split open and the eggs were the first to fall to the ground. Broken.
I cursed (a lot) and re-adjusted my packages. When I got up the three flights of stairs to my door I saw that there was a bag with my name on it. It was from my friend A and it had a jar of delicious cocoa sweetened with honey, and a card saying she'd heard I was blue.

People, this is why you give spare keys to your friends. :)

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