I skipped another day. Stupid Blog-every-day-November! Well, I was busy. I got up early yesterday to have breakfast with the man before he went surfing (crazy, freezing cold surfing) and then I modeled, went to yoga, picked up some food and drove out to Essex to J's house. We were having a little Farewell Dinner for our friend, I, who is moving to Colorado on Monday. Tomorrow. Gah, that's soon! Anyway, when I got home the man came over and we went to sleep! Because we are exciting!
This morning I made us breakfast and he went to NH to help his parents with some insulation issues. I ran some errands and when I checked my email earlier I got great news! Ouiser's husband, an old friend from college will be in town and we'll have some dinner. YAY! Old friends and surprise visits! I'll head over to his hotel on the T once he lands. After that I'm off to a surprise birthday party for our friend J, who turns thirty. It's at the Burren, and hopefully the man will meet me there, we'll have a beer or two, wish J a very happy birthday and stumble-walk home for cuddling and sleep (see previous note about us being SOOOOO exciting...).
I'm excited because this Tuesday, UP comes out on dvd. I saw it on the plane on the way to Vegas and I laughed quite hard. It was so clever and touching. I'm excited to see it again - perhaps in some sort of girl-night movie watching and tea-drinking extravaganza...
I have a dilemma. For Thanksgiving, the only regulars who'll be around are my friend A and me. My boyfriend mentioned that we could join him and his family, which I'm inclined to accept, but it also makes me a little sad because of the traditions I've tried to cultivate. Either way...
YEAH!!!!! I so glad it's out now that I is moving to COLORADO!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I get I!!!! HAHAHA!!! I am GIDDY with GLEEE!!!
Have fun with Mr. Ouiser!
Hmmm.... It might be nice to do the family thing for various, obvious reasons. You can look at this as a sign that perhaps THIS year, you're meant to do something different, and do things up again next year. If it looks as though the tradition on Thanksgiving day might fizzle, do a great big dinner before the actual day. My friend H. used to do this, calling it "Urban Thanksgiving". Just an idea.
Oh, Frau, I LOVE where your head it at! What if you did Thanksgiving ! Miles's Thursday & then your place FRIDAY!!!!! Please, please, please. The boys will riot if they don't get their cravy this year, I just know it!
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