Tuesday, November 17, 2009

not so much

So, I'm posting because I feel obligated. Buuuuuuutttt (Ha! BUTT!) I don't really have that much going on. I'm headed to the House of Blues with my friend A to see a friend play, which is pretty cool. And I'm determined to stay there and awake past the first set (yup, I AM armed with RedBull, thank you for asking...).

My man is in Ithaca on a consulting thing today and tomorrow. This means that when I get home, instead of texting him to come over, I'll heat up my two microwavable heaty things and get to bed snuggling... no one :( Maybe the cats. Though, they usually save their (very aggressive and loud) snuggling for the 4 to 5am hour. They're good like that.

Side note: I will be bringing a pumpkin pie to the man's family's house for Thanksgiving. So, in case you don't read anything into this, let me tell you what I read into this:

If my pie is less than awesome, I will make a TERRIBLE life-mate.

RIGHT? That's a ton of pressure! I'm nervous. The pie I made over the weekend is really good (despite the canned pumkin), so I hope that all subsequent efforts are as good or gooder.

Mmmm. Time for a last minute slice of pie! It will no doubt blend beautifully in my gullet with the RedBull and booze I plan to drink. AND! Don't forget the dancing!!

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