Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No mas!

My brain- she is foggy and slow. Let me give you a little recap of last night so you may understand why:

6:30 - eat small bowl of ravioli and piece of pumpkin pie
8:45 - Meet A in Porter Square and head into Boston for fun
9:10 - stop at bar near House of Blues to pre-party
9:25 - consume vodka drink
9:50 - consume another vodka drink
10:05 - enter House of Blues
10:10 - beer
10:20 - shake shake shake, shake shake shake
10:40 - beer 2
11:00 - more shaking
11:20 - beer 3
11:40 - still more shaking and yelling BECAUSE I HAVE TO YELL IT IS SO LOUD
12:15 - shot of Knob Creek (*le sigh*)
12:40 - ask M, who was nice enough to drive us home, to PLEASE pull over so's I can reverse-eat the ravioli, pie, vodka drinks, beers and OMG Knob Creek

Let me tell you that despite the insistence to the contrary of one VERY blue eyed musician, a shot is NOT the way to pull together an evening.

Why I gotta be so dumb?

EDITED TO ADD: I just checked my phone, and I totally texted my man at 1am. It reads thus: I realizze (sic) it's quite late, but i'm drunk and i dig you SO much baby!



Wonderland said...

You is fuuuunnnnny! And PS: I am diggin the blogging-everyday-in-november thing.

The Perfect Space said...

Oh, honey! Not the KNOB! Did that happen to be a certain bass player that talked you into such a move! DUDE!