Thing the first: I JUST bit a clump out of the inside of my lip - so excited was I to eat naan for the second time in two days. The naan was delicious. The bloody lip part sucked.
Thing the second: Have you ever held yourself morally responsible for something you fantasized or dreamed about? A few years ago I dreamed that I chopped off my cat's head (I had to, he had some terrible disease). For days I felt guilty (note: the cat is still very much alive and loves me so much he gave me a dead mouse yesterday I am a good mom). I hadn't thought about it in so long, but it's been bugging me recently. I've tried to be practical-
Do I love the cat? Yes, so much. Would I ever chop off his head? No, blagh! So, I think I'm ok. I don't go around beheading cuddlies or anything.
Guilt. For dreaming it.
I still have horrible feelings about a dream I had years and years ago - I totally know how you feel. Also, I often feel morally ashamed of myself for some of my thoughts. Is that all those years of going to Catholic school even though I was never a Catholic???
I have also had these dreams and feel the guilt because I wonder if my subconscious is trying to tell me it has evil needs that I simply quash successfully every day. Every day SO FAR....
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