Thursday, May 5, 2011


I've been thinking of trying to take a photo a day and post it to the blog. I don't necessarily think that I'll write about it (other than to identify it) but I like the idea of consistently using images from my day - especially since I see things all the time that make me smile or curious, and I want to share those things, but I mostly don't.

I do wonder if it won't become super-repetitive. I guess if it does I can just stop doing it...

So, yeah... I'm not sure how long this will last.

Other things I do once a day: Take vitamins, shower, clean the litter box, contemplate quitting my job and joining a circus...


Anonymous said...

It's been very interesting and rewarding doing it for Alice. I say go for it and if it's a drag, as you say, you can always stop.

Leslie said...

Yes, the Daily Alice!
I foresee that I will swiftly become displeased with my cruddy camera-phone pictures. We shall see...