Monday, August 2, 2010


I went to the Donkey Show on Saturday night. IT. WAS. AWESOME.

Here's a brief and strange explanation:
It's Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream (his best and funniest play, in my opinion)
Set in a 70s disco
With roller skates
And interactive crowd-actor dancing and ad-libbing
And the characters sing 70s songs
And dance in teeny tiny costumes
And hang/dance from scarves tied to the ceiling
And everyone dances along
And I want to live there forever.
Sunday I went to New Hampshire with the Man. His brother was having a barbecue. But first - THE BEACH! There was much paddle boarding done by the Man and much lying on the beach and napping done by me. Is not my Man extremely handsome? (The answer is that he is indeed, absurdly handsome.)
I actually tried not to sleep on the beach but to read. BUT! The Stephen King book that I brought, Lisey's Story, is so damned terrible that I had to stop reading it. Well, I don't know if the book itself is so terrible, but here's the thing: I love lots and lots of Stephen King books. One thing that SO VERY MANY of his characters have in common is that they have this personal slang that is particular to them - little words and phrases that only they say and they say very frequently. The ones in this book were fuckingkillingme. The one that I think was enough to make me stop reading at page 120-ish is that instead of saying "fucking", the main character said "smucking". Need I say more?
The rest of the weekend was spent working on little DIY projects. I'm painting this bookshelf and cabinet to give them new life. They're cheap and not particularly attractive and I'm hoping that paint will make them awesome-er. Sadly, I ran out of paint for both of these things before finishing and must now go to Home Depot after work to get more. I need to get these things done before I leave for Colorado this Friday because right when we get back my parents are coming to visit and I need to have everything done before they get here. I'm confident I can do it all, but I just can't dawdle. I dislike dawdling.

Speaking of dawdling, I should do some work.

1 comment:

die Frau said...

I want to go that show. Honestly, I had an entirely different notion of the term "donkey show". I admit I felt a bit of trepidation for your choice until your explanation.

Lisey's Story isn't that great. Don't feel at all bad about putting it down. The slang is obnoxious and I felt the ending was...meh. I'll tell you about it WHEN I SEE YOU!!!!! if you want.

WV: pordy

Gosh, L, you're so pordy.